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Royal Cargo is at the very heart of logistics services, with operations in the Central Business District of Subic Bay.

  • Duties and tax-free importation and storage.
  • Air charter exports to key destinations from Subic Bay to anywhere in Europe.
  • Trading: covers the sourcing of raw materials, semi-finished products and materials available from PEZA entities or abroad.
  • Receiving: includes the processing and receipt of incoming cargo, acceptance of delivery, inspection and the storage and documentation process.
  • Storage: covers locating the cargo in its designated area, the transfer and relocation process and all internal storage systems.
  • Inventory Management: handles the cycle of physical inventory systems and the proper documentation for the receipt, storage and issuance of cargo.
  • Distribution: includes the processing and receipt of outgoing cargo advice or withdrawal authority and the transportation, inspection and issuance of cargo.