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We assure you that shipments will arrive whenever and wherever they are needed around the Philippines. Royal Cargo provides you with dependable trucking services using both owned and sub-contracted trucks. From conventional 20- and 40-foot containers, to special deliveries of loose cargo and heavy equipment, we meet the client’s needs by ensuring a fast and secure delivery. Our growing fleet of tractor heads and delivery vans can handle tailored deliveries anytime, anywhere.

We invest in new trucks and other transport equipment, while ensuring that all our drivers and helpers are fully trained in order to safely transfer your shipments. Royal Cargo partners with accredited truckers, both PEZA and non-PEZA certified, to support the high demand of deliveries nationwide. We are always on call, ready to answer any questions and ready to deal with any delivery concerns or questions you may have.


o   Delivery and collection of import and export containers

o   Domestic deliveries

o   Specialized delivery of heavy equipment

o   ePODs – Electronic proof of deliveries