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10 May, 2016 by Reymer Salvador

Royal Cargo Inc. added another feather in its cap after completing a comprehensive anti-bribery due diligence review administered by TRACE, the world’s leading anti-bribery standard setting organization.

TRACEcertification is based on the highest international standards and underscores Royal Cargo’s commitment to transparency in international commercial transactions.

The company’s Legal Manager, Atty. Roville Sunga, led Royal Cargo Inc. through the due diligence review. The completion of TRACEcertification signifies that Royal Cargo Inc. has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been forthcoming and cooperative during the review process.

Royal Cargo Group CEO Mr. Michael K. Raeuber said that completing TRACEcertified due diligence sends a strong message to business partners. “We shall continue to adhere to the standards of clean and fair business dealings which we have been promoting in our day-to-day operations.”

Since 2012, the company has affirmed its commitment to its ABC policy that prohibits all executives, employees and/or agents to commit any form of bribery and corrupt practices. Royal Cargo has been firm in its stand on carrying out its business in a free, fair, and competitive environment in accordance with prevailing municipal and international laws

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